Our Sponsers
The Home was founded, owned by the Mothers’ Union of the Diocese of Mt. Kenya South in 2001 under the Anglican Church Of Kenya. Mothers union are the main sponsors of the home

Mothers’ Union of the Diocese of Mt. Kenya South
The Home was founded, owned and sponsored by the Mothers’ Union of the Diocese of Mt. Kenya South. Its goal is to provide basic needs like food, shelter, love and education. It was in response to the urgent outcry for a Home to cater for the increasing number of vulnerable, destitute and HIV/AIDs orphans, whose number is increasing as the disease continues to spread. Above all, Mothers’ Mercy Home is a Home whose basic foundation is the love of God. It is a non-making profit Ministry.
The Home is situated along Limuru Road between Ndenderu and Red Hill, approximately 17 km from Nairobi City Centre. The Home opened its doors on the Seventh of May in the year 2001 with an admission of 36 children from all the Archdeaconries of the Diocese of Mt. Kenya South. The Home is now catering for 99 children, constituting of 47 boys and 52 girls aged between 4 - 17 years. Our concern is to put into practice our faith in the Mothers’ Union vows and objectives as a challenge to our lives and practices of true Christianity. The MU members are encouraged to be involved in practical action in their own communities. This, together with the existing social economic challenges facing our Nation today, has been the driving force behind the Project. We are faced with a big challenge to maintain Mothers’ Mercy Home. Since inception the mothers have been able to run the Project propelled by their motto Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.